
  • Fear of Flying

    Best flight I’ve ever taken. It was like I was waiting for the panic to set in and it never did. I listened to your little audio on repeat for the full flight, had my cup of tea and biscuits as planned it’s been perfect. I genuinely cannot thank you enough Laura! I feel like a different person today xxx

    Flew home today and I was super nervous before boarding due to amount of clouds and driving down a windy mountain road with so much snow. But I got on, switched on your audio took a few deep breaths and instantly felt calmer xx

  • Pain Management

    “I want to express a huge, heartfelt gratitude to group member Laura Bartlett who posted a few months back offering hypnotherapy sessions. As a practitioner who herself understands how discouraging and depressing embedded UTI can be, even while on proper treatment for some, Laura's work focuses on helping our minds (and therefore, our bodies) be in the best state possible to heal whether on LTA or not. Laura's work opened me up to so many things that I was doing wrong and didn't even realize it.

    Those exact things were keeping me extremely symptomatic, even though I was on two antibiotics simultaneously and Hiprex and a whole host of other supplements. I'm happy to say l'm only on Hiprex and a couple of supplements and am confident I will be 100% healed thanks to Laura and the things she taught me.

  • Anxiety

    Laura has been fantastic, I wasn't sure what to expect when starting these sessions but they have been the biggest help to me. I have never felt more in control of myself and my anxiety. I feel like I can now deal with my anxiety issues so much better now.

    I was able to gain control of the anxiety I was feeling on a daily basis. I've been able to stop feeling such intrusive anxious thoughts and feel as though I can deal with situations with more clarity.

    I have recommended her services to so many people already

  • Anxiety and Stress

    What did you hope to achieve from your hypnotherapy sessions?

    Initially the sessions were to help me overcome my fear of flying. The trip got cancelled, so we shifted the sessions into helping me deal with my daily anxiety and stress

    Did you achieve your goal?

    Yes. After having sessions, I found myself to be in a more positive headspace for the upcoming week. I also learned a lot about how the brain processes stress.

    Could anything have been handled better?

    In all honesty, I could not be more pleased with how my sessions went. Aside from having a very soothing voice, Laura was a wealth of knowledge

    and also gave me a new perspective on life.

    Any other comments?

    I think Laura is wonderful. She is dedicated to her client. She provides you with education, relaxation techniques and suggestions on how to

    relieve stress and worry. I literally take walks and listen to nature and live in the moment because of my interaction with Laura

  • Fertility

    Laura is a wonderful practitioner who expedited my healing journey. Laura’s knowledge of the brain and her ability to explain how it functions made me understand how little changes in my daily life can make big impacts in my physical and mental health. I do believe that what she teaches should be taught in schools as it’s so important. Thank you Laura!

    UPDATE - 3 months later

    "Little life update, I am pregnant! All that worry for nothing haha"

  • Fear of Flying

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to write a massive thank you to Laura Bartlett who offered the hypnotherapy sessions recently. I took her up on her kind offer and it turned out to be one of the best thing I have ever done. I’ve been an anxious flyer my whole life and avoided it at all costs. I’ve done a fear of flying course previously which helped explain a lot of the sensations and noises but didn’t cure the crippling fear. This flight I had a couple of moments where I panicked slightly….not due to the plane but because of myself it felt wrong that I wasn’t panicking.

    So surreal to sit there calmly looking at this breathtaking

    view of the alps! I’d 100% recommend trying hypnotherapy, Laura gave me an understanding on how the mind works, reassured me that fear isn’t rational or logical and it’s not something you can control. Fear is there to keep you safe but at some point my brains filed flying away under dangerous which explains why the mere sight of a plane could send me into a panic. But my rational brain knows it’s safe, I’ll allow my loved ones to fly without me and don’t experience that worry while they are in the air. I’m having the most amazing ski holiday in Italy with my family and it wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you Laura! Xx