Overcome your Fear of Flying

Take the flight you've always wanted to in as little as 3 sessions

Specific phobias such as Fear of Flying (Aerophobia) can be dealt with in as little as three sessions.

Sessions involve a rewind of a real or imagined event in the safe and relaxed state of trance. Then a rewind session is carried out to replace the corrupt template with a positive one.

Testimonial - Amy in Wigan

Hi everyone! Just wanted to write a massive thank you to Laura Bartlett who offered the hypnotherapy sessions recently. I took her up on her kind offer and it turned out to be one of the best thing I have ever done. I’ve been an anxious flyer my whole life and avoided it at all costs. I’ve done a fear of flying course previously which helped explain a lot of the sensations and noises but didn’t cure the crippling fear. This flight I had a couple of moments where I panicked slightly….not due to the plane but because of myself it felt wrong that I wasn’t panicking.  So surreal to sit there calmly looking at this breathtaking  view of the alps! I’d 100% recommend trying hypnotherapy, Laura gave me an understanding on how the mind works, reassured me that fear isn’t rational or logical and it’s not something you can control. Fear is there to keep you safe but at some point my brains filed flying away under dangerous which explains why the mere sight of a plane could send me into a panic. But my rational brain knows it’s safe, I’ll allow my loved ones to fly without me and don’t experience that worry while they are in the air. I’m having the most amazing ski holiday in Italy with my family and it wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you Laura! Xx

February 2024

Testimonial - Andrea in East Sussex

Although I haven’t flown yet I definitely feel calmer and have noticed less negative thoughts around flying. I actually feel positive about booking and taking a flight.

As my fear of flying is around feeling trapped I’ve really seen a positive change around how I feel on London Underground. No negative thoughts and more relaxed .

The recording given by Laura has really helped me take time out to relax. I’ve also thought more about the positive things that happen during my week

April 2024

Testimonial - "E" in Australia

What did you hope to achieve from your hypnotherapy sessions?

I hoped to achieve a different approach to handle my fear of flying and to get a relief from my anxiety through the sessions. Also to go on that flight I had scheduled

Did you achieve your goal?

I would say it directed me in a way to actively think and practice positive mindset and to experience what is the result of practicing positivity

What did you achieve?

I took the flight

Would you recommend this person to others?


May 2024