Hypnotherapy for Children

  • Separation Anxiety

    Most children will suffer a degree of separation anxiety at some point in their early childhood as a natural part of development. However, this can become a serious problem and between 2% and 5% of children can be classified as having Separation Anxiety Disorder. Brighter Future hypnotherapy programme is designed to help your child overcome separation anxiety, allowing you and them to regain control of your lives.

  • Sleeping Difficulties

    There are many different types of sleep problems encountered by children. Most have accompanying or underlying anxiety with worrying thoughts and feelings preventing a restful sleep. Other factors can be fear of the dark, fear of monsters or disturbing dreams or nightmares. Brighter Future hypnotherapy programme can help you improve your child's sleep quality and establish healthy sleep patterns.

  • Being Bullied

    Bullying is carried out in a variety of everyday situations and is a serious problem which can result in low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, underachievement and even self-harm. Brighter Future hypnotherapy programme gives an opportunity for children to relax and release tension and can help raise self-esteem and confidence levels.

  • Bed Wetting and Soiling

    Bedwetting (Enuresis) is the unintentional passing of urine during sleep at night. This can occur for a variety of reasons including emotional stress, habit and a mindset of lack of control. Encopresis is the process of soiling underwear or passing faeces in inappropriate places. This can occur as a result of constipation and emotional problems. Brighter Future hypnotherapy programme provides a natural and safe approach to coping with bedwetting and soiling.

  • Behaviour Problems

    Behaviour problems can occur at any stage of development. Reasons can be many and various and behaviour can temporarily worsen because of changes in the school or home environment. Brighter Future hypnotherapy programme can help by building self-esteem, identifying when behaviour is better and working with the child to determine a reason for them to want to improve.

  • Learning and Exams

    Children who lack confidence, underachieve, find it hard to focus, or experience anxiety when faced with tests and exams can benefit from solution-focused hypnotherapy. Brighter Future hypnotherapy programme can boost self-image and self-confidence, help discover and emphasise individual strengths, improve listening and concentration skills and strengthen perseverance.